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Online Training

我们目前没有安排任何在线研讨会. Please contact us if you would like to discuss the possibility of offering one of our online workshops (descriptions below) to your school or organization. 

How are these trainings structured?

Each online training will be hosted on Canvas, our online learning system. Canvas works in any web browser and there are mobile apps available for iOS and Android devices. A few days before the beginning of the training, registrants will receive an email with information about how to access the training in Canvas. Content is organized in modules of related topics.

Learning activities typically include:

  • 带有可下载幻灯片的短视频讲座,
  • 深入探讨研讨会核心概念的无障碍文本;
  • 外部专家的视频演讲、演示或演示;
  • 额外的资源,如果您想深入了解您感兴趣的主题.
  • live video synchronous session(s) with training facilitator(s). We will connect live to discuss topics and engage with questions that emerge from our work together. 这些会议将为那些不能参加现场对话的人录制. These provide an opportunity to connect with each other and extend our knowledge and understanding of the materials. 现场视频会议的数量将根据给定培训的长度而变化.

With the exception of the live video chats, 只要有互联网连接,你就可以随时随地使用这些材料.

Who should participate?

Professionals who serve middle, high school, 任何身份的大学生都可以从我们的培训中受益. However, 课程内容旨在支持不同学习方式的学生, including those with learning disabilities, ADHD, autism, or executive function challenges. 在线培训是为了适应教育者繁忙的日程安排而设计的, professionals, and parents. 

How much time will it take?

培训所包含的“单元”数量各不相同. 一个“单位”相当于大约一周的材料. 充分利用每个在线培训将需要大约 10 hours of engagement per unit of a training. A unit is structured such that participants should be able to work through one “unit” over one week. However, since we understand people have busy schedules and may not be able to finish in this timeframe, 材料将继续在画布网站上提供 longer than the advertised “unit” length. Typically they will remain open for at least five weeks from the start date.

Seeking a shorter learning experience? Explore our one-hour webinars.

Continuing Education Credits (CEUs)

虽然我们不提供具体的ceu,但参与者将收到 digital badges that attest to participation in the online trainings and include an estimated number of hours of work involved. 这些也可以打印为证书(和/或我们可以协助提供这些)。. 对于许多需要ceu的州教育部门和组织, such a certificate often suffices for obtaining CEU credit—but it really depends on your particular state or organization (so we recommend reaching out to your representatives to see what is needed). 如果需要,我们也可以提供结业证明.


Or for other questions, contact us at [email protected] or 802-387-1662.

Past offerings

  • Description:

    许多教育工作者都敏锐地意识到,所有的学习者都是独一无二的,有不同的优势, preferences, experiences, backgrounds, and needs. However, with all of this rich diversity, there's no way to design a perfectly-tailored educational experience for each individual student. So what's an educator to do?

    答案在于通用设计——一个不追求完美的框架, but rather emphasizes designing and teaching to the edges so that the full educational experience is as optimally welcoming, accessible, and inclusive as can be for all learners. Through the pillars of Universal Design, this online workshop aims to provide educators with a deep understanding of UD foundations in order to focus on creating the optimum educational experience not just within, but also outside, the classroom.

    One live video (“synchronous”) session will be held. Live sessions will focus on participant questions with facilitator answers and discussion. It will be recorded and viewable, for those not able to attend live, and/or for reviewing after the event.


    Emily Helft, Ed.S.


    1 "Unit" or approximately 10 hours of material in total (although individuals will vary in their amount of engagement and time needed to complete the workshop). 

  • Description:

    In this online training, 我们将研究执行功能(EF)作为管弦乐队指挥的隐喻. Namely, EF有助于增加过于安静的功能(激活), 压低声音太大的部分(抑制性控制), responds in the moment to changes (flexibility), 并跟踪所有个体玩家的时间和内容(工作记忆). That is a lot of work to handle, and sometimes the conductor needs help—practical tools for supporting students in these three EF domains will be explored. An equal emphasis will be placed on understanding the neurocognitive underpinnings of EF and implementing empirically supported EF strategies.

    Two live video (“synchronous”) sessions will be held (days/times TBD based on participant poll). Live sessions will focus on participant questions with facilitator answers and discussion. It will be recorded and viewable in the Canvas site, for those not able to attend live, and/or for reviewing after the event. This online workshop contains approximately 20 hours (10 per “unit” or week) of information and registrants can go at their own pace through the learning content. 


    Rick Bryck, Ph.D.


    2 "Units" or approximately 20 hours of material in total (although individuals will vary in their amount of engagement and time needed to complete the workshop). 

  • With schools moving to online learning, 许多家长发现自己在家里扮演了代课老师的角色. 对一些人来说,这是有益的,但对许多人来说,这是压力和压倒性的. Taught by an LD/ADHD veteran of 35 years, 本次活动将为您提供了解在线平台的技巧和策略, 帮助你的学生完成在线作业,同时保持冷静, working with teachers, 了解学生在在线学习中的合法权利.


    1 "Unit" or approximately 10 hours of material in total (although individuals will vary in their amount of engagement and time needed to complete the workshop). 

  • Description:

    今天,在线或远程学习是大多数高等教育学生的新常态. 因为所有人都在学习如何快速转向以满足当前的需求, some are better prepared than others. It is often believed that the online platform is not “user friendly” to students who learn differently (LD), yet for the past seven years, Landmark College in Putney, VT, has been offering online courses to high school students with executive function (EF) challenges as part of their successful online dual enrollment program. 利用我们对LD学生档案的了解和在线学习的经验, this session will share information on: (1) current understanding of online/remote education and ways to ramp up to online, (2) LD学生在网络课程中的学习需求, (3)基于证据的在线教学最佳实践——实用技巧和策略, and (4) changing accessibility needs, accommodations, processes, and protocol for online learning.


     Adam Lalor, Ph.D.


    1 "Unit" or approximately 10 hours of material in total (although individuals will vary in their amount of engagement and time needed to complete the workshop). 

  • Description:

    As students progress through school, 他们需要发展越来越复杂的读写技能. As the literacy demands grow, we spend less and less time teaching students how to extend their literacies and successfully read and write across academic content areas. 这无疑对神经发散型学习者伤害最大, 但是,当识字教育是单向度的或不存在时,所有的学生都会受到影响.

    In this online workshop, we will explore and practice three teaching practices that can and should be implemented in any K-12 or college classroom:

    1. Assembling multi-modal text sets
    2. Modeling “expert” literacy skills
    3. 设计真实的写作任务和提供交互式写作支持.

    ***注:***虽然本次研讨会将侧重于高中和大学教学, 内容适合与四年级及以上学生一起工作的教育工作者.



    2 "Units" or approximately 20 hours of material in total (although individuals will vary in their amount of engagement and time needed to complete the workshop). 

  • Description:

    The word epidemic 经常被用来描述美国自闭症诊断的急剧增加.S. The use of this term is indicative of how autism is commonly seen: a medical condition to be feared, prevented, treated and cured. 神经多样性的概念,这是 Landmark College’s approach, requires re-framing autism as a different (not lesser) way of seeing and navigating the world. In this online workshop, we will use the voices of autistic self-advocates and Landmark College’s programs for autistic students as our guide to understanding autism from this perspective.

    Workshop Topics

    1. What does it mean to be autistic? 仔细倾听自闭症自我倡导者(asa)的声音将为我们提供一个解决方法 expert answer to this question. We will contrast the medical model of autism with the views of ASAs and in the process explore how stigma and misconceptions of autism impact the development of a positive sense of self. Additional topics will include:
      • Disabling environments and the social model of disability.
      • Camouflaging and its impact on autistic students.
      • Dual-empathy 以及理解和接受与自闭症相关的差异的重要性.
    2. Diversity “on the spectrum.” 你可能听说过自闭症患者的多样性. Stephen Shore:“如果你遇到一个自闭症患者,你就会遇到一个自闭症患者.“这对支持自闭症学生来说是一个重大挑战, especially because there is not one way to support a group this diverse. In our experience, 提供高质量的支持需要了解每个学生的独特情况. Through personal accounts, case studies and research findings we you will learn how to identify the individual strengths and challenges in seven key areas:
      • Pragmatic language
      • Social awareness
      • Monotropic mindset
      • Information processing
      • Sensory integration
      • Repetitive behaviors
      • Neuromotor differences
    3. Designing, adapting or applying supports. Finally we will apply what we have learned about profiles of strengths and challenges to a case study exercise. 您将确定一个学生档案和一个“环境”.” This could be a particular classroom, a dormitory, 校园办公室或其他你想考察的环境. You will be guided through the process of imagining what supports or changes to the environment might be needed to help that particular student succeed. Through this collaborative and personalized process, we will explore a wide variety of supports across environments that participants can apply to their work with students.


    2 "Units" or approximately 20 hours of material in total (although individuals will vary in their amount of engagement and time needed to complete the workshop). 

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